Recent publications – Inner Child Therapy’s effectiveness (article 1) and five case studies (article 2)

A recent study by Riri G Trivedi, Dr Gunjan Y Trivedi, Neha Pandya, and Dr Hemalatha Ramani from the Society for Energy & Emotions at Wellness Space, Ahmedabad, India, has been included in the International Journal of Regression Therapy. It showcases the efficacy of “Inner Child Integration Therapy.” By assisting people in processing unresolved childhood trauma, this therapeutic technique significantly reduces anxiety and depression and improves sleep quality and overall well-being. The study was partially funded by the Earth Association of Regression Therapy in the year 2022.

The journey carried two write-ups by team wellness on inner child integration therapy.  The first one identified the effectiveness of the inner child integration therapy (“healing the child within” modality covered in Module 3 of the Evidence-based Psychotherapy Program conducted by Wellness Space).  The second article covered five case studies on inner child phenomena and the journey of the individuals.

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 Inner Child Integration Therapy publication 1 of 2

Inner Child Integration Therapy publication 1 of 2