Publication – Bhramari (humming) as stress buster

Humming (Simple Bhramari Pranayama) as a Stress Buster: A Holter-Based Study to Analyze Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Parameters During Bhramari, Physical Activity, Emotional Stress, and Sleep A brief note on the article: Recent research by Gunjan in our team identified that Bhramari Pranayama (simple practice, without any mudras or hand gestures) could profoundly benefit heart signals (resulting in heart-brain coherence that improves physical and mental health).  This was validated by comparing the "heart signals" (known as heart rate variability analysis or coherence) during various activities (physical activity, emotional stress, sleep, and Bhramari), and the comparison demonstrated the outcome.  You

Publication – Bhramari (humming) as stress buster2023-09-08T21:48:39+05:30

Summary of doctoral research – The impact of humming bee breathing (simple Bhramari Pranayama) practice on Heart Rate Variability and implications for healthcare management

Gunjan Yogendra Trivedi's Ph.D. thesis: (Guide: Dr Saurabh Kumar, Ph.D, Co-Guide: Dr Banshi Saboo, M.D., Ph.D.). JJT University, Rajasthan, India (2022) Title: The impact of humming bee breathing (simple Bhramari Pranayama) practice on Heart Rate Variability and implications for healthcare management Abstract: There is an urgent need for governments and corporate enterprises globally to proactively manage lifestyle-related modifiable risk factors for chronic disease to reduce economic burden and increase the quality of life while decreasing the risk of chronic disease.  The need of the hour is a simple, effective, and low-risk solution with the potential for increased well-being, leading to sustainable

Summary of doctoral research – The impact of humming bee breathing (simple Bhramari Pranayama) practice on Heart Rate Variability and implications for healthcare management2023-12-05T17:30:38+05:30

Did you know ? The role of emotions in Obesity

The role of emotions in obesity. Obesity in India has reached epidemic proportions in the 21st century, with morbid obesity affecting a significant portion of the country's population. That overweight and obesity prevalence will increase to 30% and 9.5% among men and 28 and 14% among women by 2040[1]. Despite increased health awareness of more physical activities, obesity continues to grow! This trend needs investigation. In our coaching and therapeutic practice at Wellness Space, we get many clients who say that despite dieting, gymming, yoga and other workouts, they still don’t seem to lose weight. Others admit that they cannot

Did you know ? The role of emotions in Obesity2021-07-13T08:54:07+05:30

Newspaper coverage: Singing bowls and anxiety/depression

Following article captures the ideas and quoted Gunjan for the work we have done in the area of lifestyle choices, its impact on key mind-body systems and how singing bowls and humming can be leveraged to reduce anxiety and depression through relaxation response. Ideas based on several of our studies are captured, specifically The three systems, lifestyle choices and how they interact to create an imbalance that begins the journey towards disease[1].  How these changes (imbalance), driven by lifestyle choices, impact the immune system [2]. Implications of relaxation response (ability to achieve quality mind-body relaxation) on the overall health and

Newspaper coverage: Singing bowls and anxiety/depression2021-03-22T10:16:06+05:30

Free Talk: Time to wake up to the cost of sleep disruption (or Insomnia)

Free Talk: Time to wake up to the cost of sleep disruption (or Insomnia) by Gunjan Y Trivedi In Collaboration with IIPHG and Samay Sathi Sleep disorders are associated with many adverse health outcomes.  Many modern lifestyle choices affect sleep and at the same time insufficient sleep (& recovery) creates adverse effects on autonomic nervous system, metabolism and immune system. The talk provides an overview of various lifestyle choices – resulting in chronic disease and how each of the risk factor contributes to the disease causing changes in the physiology and pathology of the body and the brain/mind. The understanding

Free Talk: Time to wake up to the cost of sleep disruption (or Insomnia)2021-01-06T00:57:40+05:30
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