Society for Energy & Emotions2024-03-07T11:21:47+05:30

Society for Energy & Emotions

SEE is a Not-for-Profit, secular network and global forum to connect to share, reapply and scale energy & emotions knowledge/research/findings to create a stronger positive impact on society.

Vision: To increase the well-being of all people by integrating energy & emotion-based wellness into lifestyle choices by providing scientific and established insights.

Mission: (1) To connect, educate, integrate and scale work of energy & emotion wellness. (2) To achieve measurable and tangible wellness benefits for everyone by promoting awareness and understanding of energy & emotions work via scientific findings AND findings from the experience of therapists (3) To actively integrate & complement efforts of mind-body wellness using Pancha Kosha model

Contact: [email protected]

Acknowledgments: Puey Chin Chew for her work on developing the Vision and the Mission and for her generous donations towards the intent of SEE.

Cofounders: Riri G Trivedi, Dr. Gunjan Y Trivedi


Riri G Trivedi

Personal Transformation Therapist & Trainer, Phone: +91.846.946.1144

Gunjan Y Trivedi

PhD, Life Coach,
Phone: +91.957474.2288


Dr Banshi Saboo

MBBS, MD, PhD. Diabetologist & Chairman, Dia Care, Ahmedabad, India

Milind R Agarwal

PhD. Founder & CEO,
Quickwork, India

Shri Manoj Thakur

Managing Director,
Vyasa Yoga Singapore Pte Ltd.

Dr Kathirvel S

MBBS, MD, Asst Prof, Dept of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India

Anita Kumar

PhD, Retd. Assoc. Prof. & HOD(Psy.), Currently Assoc. Prof. & Research Guide, JJTU

Hemalatha Ramani


Dr Gopal Bhatia

MD. Psychiatrist,

Sayan Bandyopadhyay

Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology)
M. Phil. (RCI), M.Sc. in Psychology, B.Sc. in Psychology (Hons.)

Global Representatives

Meenakshi Nair

Ph.D, (IITD), Japan Representative,
Phone: +818038319866

Anagha Nagpal

Japan Representative,
Phone: +818071897071

SEE Certifications

Society for Energy & Emotions is an IPHM* approved training provider. Our 200 Hr Regression Therapy & Life Coaching certification and Sound Healing (Naad Yoga) certification are approved by IPHM. The 200 Hr Regression Therapy & Life Coaching certification is also approved by Earth Association of Regression Therapy and IMDHA


*International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine, UK

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