Publication – Inner Child Integration Therapy
Recent publications - Inner Child Integration Therapy's effectiveness (article 1) and five case studies (article 2) A recent study by Riri G Trivedi, Dr Gunjan Y Trivedi, Neha Pandya, and Dr Hemalatha Ramani from the Society for Energy & Emotions at Wellness Space, Ahmedabad, India, has been included in the
Publication – Effectiveness of Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories for Complex Trauma (CPTSD)
We recently published an article on the effectiveness of RTM (Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories on Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) in treating CPTSD. (For further details on memory reconsolidation in RTM, click here.) The effectiveness of Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories for Complex PTSD – A pilot quasi-experimental study from a wellness centre
Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories in the Treatment of Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD): A Case Study
Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories in the Treatment of Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD): A Case Study Gunjan Y Trivedi PMID: DOI: 10.7759/cureus.68927 Abstract This case study explores the memory reconsolidation-based technique of reconsolidation of traumatic memories (RTM) to address complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). Using the framework of CPTSD and
Publication – Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs or childhood trauma) and depression/anxiety (IJCM)
Our recent publication in the Indian Journal of Community Medicine highlights the dose-response relationship or association between childhood trauma and depression/anxiety. "Association between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Internalizing Symptoms in Adults at a Wellness Centre in India" Trivedi, Riri G.; Kumar, Anita; Soundappan, Kathirvel1; Trivedi, Gunjan Y.2; Ramani, Hemalatha2; Kumar,
Publication – How the parents’ childhood trauma influences Parenting Style
How the parents' childhood trauma influences Parenting Style Vipasha Naik, Dr Gunjan Trivedi, Riri G Trivedi (Society for Energy & Emotions, Wellness Space, Ahmedabad, India) Publication - Navigating Generational Patterns: How Childhood Trauma Shapes Authoritative Parenting Practices in Indian Families ABSTRACT Background: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are defined as early childhood exposure to maltreatment and
International Conference Presentation-Exploring Childhood Trauma’s Impact On Women’s Financial Well-Being
The following work done by the team at the Society for Energy & Emotions and Osat Knowledge Pvt Ltd was presented at the Annual International Conference on Harmony on Innovation at the DY Patil B-School, Pune. The work supports the model highlighted below that we use in our daily
The CPTSD Channel – Everything about Complex Trauma
The CPTSD Channel – Everything about Complex Trauma There is limited research on understanding and addressing complex trauma (CPTSD) in India. Unfortunately, as per Lancet research, about 50% of the individuals who come to help at mental health care facilities are likely to have several CPTSD symptoms (1). Hence, given
Call for action – what can mental health practitioners do to understand and manage the risk of suicide behaviour?
Call for action - what can mental health practitioners do to understand and manage the risk of suicide behaviour? By Gunjan Y Trivedi, PhD (Co-founder, Society for Energy & Emotions, Wellness Space, [email protected]) Note: This article was published in the magazine "Just let go" - by Clover Leave Academy (2024)
Media – Mystic Mag – Transforming Mental Health: Riri Trivedi on the Evidence-based Psychotherapy
Transforming Mental Health: Riri Trivedi on the Evidence-based Psychotherapy Link to full article in MysticMag Article Established in 2010 by Riri G Trivedi alongside Dr. Gunjan Y Trivedi, Wellness Space, located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, is dedicated to addressing mental health challenges through therapy, research, and training. Backed by a committed
Podcast – How To Deal With Childhood Trauma, Toxic Parents & Toxic Partner – Riri Trivedi
How To Deal With Childhood Trauma, Toxic Parents & Toxic Partner - Riri Trivedi |FO237 Raj Shamani Watch the complete podcast here: Recently, Riri G Trivedi joined this podcast and the summary (Written by Raj Shamani) is reproduced below. "One of the biggest contributors to suicide is emotional neglect
Priorities for women’s health in India for better economy and quality of life (Divya Bhaskar 5)
Priorities for women’s health in India for better economy and quality of life (Divya Bhaskar 5) The proverb "પહેલું સુખ તે જાતે નર્યા" (true happiness lies in good health) rings true, especially when considering India's future. Women are the pillars of our families and communities, and their well-being is directly
Story of two A/C installations: Efficiency gap between India & developed countries (Divya Bhaskar 1)
બે એ/સી ઇન્સ્ટોલેશનની વાત: ભારત અને વિકસિત દેશો વચ્ચે કાર્યક્ષમતાનું અંતર In 2003, I bought an a/c for our home in Japan. After I completed the purchase, the cash register person asked me about the delivery time and date. I was surprised and didn’t know how to respond. The friend
International Conference Presentation-Exploring Childhood Trauma’s Impact On Women’s Financial Well-Being
The following work done by the team at the Society for Energy & Emotions and Osat Knowledge Pvt Ltd was presented at the Annual International Conference on Harmony on Innovation at the DY Patil B-School, Pune. The work supports the model highlighted below that we use in our daily
Book Chapter (Social media & Mental health) in the book the Changing Landscape of School Psychology
Book Chapter (Social media & Mental health) in the book the Changing Landscape of School Psychology We are pleased to share that one of our studies on the impact of social media usage on mental health is now included in the recently published book (See the details below) Summary of
International Conference on applying Psychology for Suicide Prevention-Our Abstracts
Wellness Space team is going to present total of 3 abstracts (please see below) at the conference. Please join us. Abstract #1 -Effective Strategies for Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention: A Practical Guide Utilizing the ASQ Tool for Screening Background: Suicide behaviour (including suicide thoughts, plans, and
Conference Publication – Predicting Adverse Childhood Experiences via Machine Learning Ensembles
Predicting Adverse Childhood Experiences via Machine Learning Ensembles Recently, we collaborated with the Indian Institute of Technology Mandi team to understand if predicting exposure to childhood trauma (Adverse Childhood Experiences-ACEs) is possible without directly asking questions about specific ACEs. We found that by understanding specific internalization experiences (such as well-being,
Wellness Space presentations at NAOP 2023 (Ahmedabad University)
Team Wellness Space presents several abstracts at the 32nd Annual Convention of National Academy of Psychology, NAOP 2023, at Ahmedabad University. All the abstracts are listed below: Oral Presentation 1 - The impact of social media usage on well-being, anxiety & depression, sleep quality By Gunjan Y Trivedi ([email protected],
About Wellness Space – for NAOP conference participants at Ahmedabad University
About Wellness Space Wellness Space was co-founded in 2010 in Singapore by Riri G Trivedi & Gunjan Y Trivedi, Ph.D., focusing on providing evidence-based coaching and training. Now based out of Ahmedabad, India, it has grown into a team of more than ten coaches, therapists, and psychologists. The team Wellness
SEE White Paper: Impact of Singing Bowl Sound Bath Session on Heart Rate Variability & Stress Index (A case report)
SEE White Paper - Impact of Singing Bowl Sound Bath Session on Heart Rate Variability & Stress Index (A case report) Authors: Kratika Motwani*, Aalia Lokhandawala*, Gunjan Y Trivedi *Student, Year 3, Computer Engineering, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India Abstract: This study explored the impact of sound bath session using Himalayan